Saturday, June 5, 2010

Welcome at Paliwal Samaj

This is a unique platfrom for all the members of paliwal brahmin community to get in touch with each other and getting information about the community.


Ancient Aryans were not divided on the basis of caste & creed. However, gradually differences started & four major categories emerged which were named as ba`aQNa, xai~aya, vaOSya and SaUd . While initially this division was based on the type of work people did, later birth became the basis i.e. son of brahman was deemed to be brahman and that of a vaishya, a vaishya. This division further divided the Brahmans which was initially on the basis of Rishi/Muni and later on the places of residence.

Being the native of Brahmakshetra, prayers and study of Ved and simple living earned them the name ''Brahman''. What is Brahmakshetra ? Kalidas''s famous work ''Meghdoot'' reveals that Gaurwar in Rajasthan is the old Brahmakshetra and its main city is the Pali of present Marwar. Those Gaur Brahmans who were related to Gaurwar were called Paliwal Brahmans. This way Paliwals are basically Gaur Brahmans.

Paliwals are Brahmans & hence are amongst Gaur Brahman, who originated from Pali, the old and famous city of Jodhpur. Earlier they were called Paliwal Gaur & after moving out to different places for the sake of defending the religion, they came to be known as Paliwal Brahmans. Marwar''s famous historian, Munshi Prashad describes Pali is very old city. There are many gardens, wells, ponds outside the city. This is the homeland of Paliwal Brahmans.

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